

Shane Schulthies Shane Schulthies

Shane Schulthies

Secondary Government & Economics; Mentor Teacher

Dr. Schulthies initially studied physical education, physical therapy, and sports medicine. After completing his PhD in Exercise Science, he taught Sports Medicine at Brigham Young University. He later entered the doctoral program in Constitutional Law at George Wythe College. 

 Upon completing the coursework portion of his PhD. he taught Statesmanship at George Wythe College and eventually served two years as president of the College. Dr. Schulthies served as a limited advisory role in the founding of John Adams Academy and served as its first "headmaster" where he also taught and advised the first graduating senior class.  

After working in Idaho as a physical therapist, Dr. Schulthies returned to John Adams Academy where he teaches Government and Economics, and mentors other secondary teachers.  He lives on a 20-acre homestead in Idaho, where he loves reading, hiking, gardening, and playing with his grandchildren.